Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The Stones

Just read the Daily Quickie, which reminded me of something I was thinking last night. If the Pistons beat the Spurs, regardless of the circumstances, will people take note that they beat a depleted Heat team? Much like everyone still notes the luck that the Patriots had with the tuck rule and other fortunate circumstances? I believe that you can make the argument that if Shaq and Wade were healthy from the start of the series, the Pistons would have played much better. Not to say they would have won, but I do believe they played down (as most teams do), to the level of their competition.

One other thing. Everyone writes about the up/down nature of the Pistons. I don't understand why they can't play hard D the entire time. When they were down at the end of the games in this last series, and decided to try to come back, they really harrassed the Heat, something that I think they could do more of. Too bad. . .

No idea about who's going to win this series. All that matters is that the Pistons won last year, which I predicted when they got Sheed. Take that, Eric Rhee.


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