Thursday, June 09, 2005

Finals and Philosophy

Here's the deal. Finals going to be good. I'm not going to predict it, because 1) that's as silly as me looking at a penny stock and guessing if it's going to go up or down 10% in one day 2) you don't care. I'm not a fan of betting on sports (besides, of course, betting against JJ Redick). The last thing I bet on was the Super Bowl, and only b/c the Eagles got a lot of points. We (you know, the fans) have no influence over anything. I don't want to put my heart and soul (really just my wallet) into the Spurs, a team that I've seen 10 times this year (and read a lot about), relying on Bowen/Barry/Horry to hit threes. Because if they don't, the Spurs lose. Similarly, how frustrating are two quick weak fouls against Rasheed that take him out of the game physically and mentally. My opinion is that the true sports fan loves the game b/c of the game; you want to see every matchup fulfill its promise for a good game.

My favorite players (save Danny Ferry), are the best players. Not b/c I'm a front-runner. But b/c I watch them looking for excellence. I enjoy the decent players too, like Tim Thomas, when they live up to expectations. There was a game this year where he was unstoppable. Literally. Inside and out, on the break and on the defensive end, he was just awesome. And it was fun to root for him (and root for him since). I saw why every player says he could be a top-10 guy. The joy for me in sports is watching the players go hard, and seeing something spectacular happen. I'm not just speaking about dunks (though one of the few times I was speechless was when VC stuck his elbow in the rim - and every other dunk that night by him, Francis and Tmac). I love to see the fantastic play, but I also love to see the domination. Nash coming off the screen in the playoffs, when his shooting stroke was on, was actually unstoppable. You could see the big man coming out and you knew what the Suns were going to score. A missed shot was stunning. That's awesome. And I will argue with you (and win) for weeks on end about why there is no way that Nash is the MVP this year. I mean, that was absurd.

My roommate from college last year (and I think my current roommate as well) thought I was crazy, b/c I was willing to pull for teams not from Cleveland (the Tribe/Cavs/Browns/Force being first always). Yes, the Bulls may have been in our division, but it was fun to watch them play this year. Much like the Stones and Pacers . . . If you're from K.C., you're telling me that you wont keep your eye out for other teams? You're going to live and die with the Royals every year? You will be sad every year. Or, you can enjoy the game for what it's worth; a game. Look for the dramatic and look for the excellence. I think that's the best way to watch sports.

Pistons in 8.


At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having moved across the country at 15 and not really ever deeply followed pro teams, I tend to agree w/ Aaron's interest in good play, good effort and interesting matchups. (the exception is UCLA, who has been miserable or choked since they won in basketball) The point is the Bulls were great to watch (don't understand how the wizards pulled out the series even w/ bulls' injuries). This is also how I could root for the Pistons last year despite being a Lakers (mainly Magic) fan growing up.

At 9:00 AM, Blogger Chad said...

Aaron, I think there is a difference between watching a game that doesn't involve your teams and cheering for teams that stand between you and the playoffs. I would NEVER cheer for the White Sox or Twins this year, but I enjoy going to White Sox games because they play exciting ball. They run, they pitch well, Ozzie Guillen is a little bit's fun to watch. But I certainly don't cheer for them. And while I love watching Johan Santana pitch, it's supporting him, it's just enjoying excellence...


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